AppSuite:OX Sync App

From Open-Xchange

OX Sync App

OX Sync App is a native mobile phone app built specifically for smartphone users of Android, that also have a valid OX App Suite account. The app is designed to let users sync their OX App Suite Appointments, Tasks and Contacts environment directly from a native mobile phone client. On the base of the implementation as sync adapter, it integrates seamlessly with the default Android calendar- and contacts apps.

The OX Sync App has been designed specifically for ease-of-use and is available for Android only.

Key Features

Synchronization of Appointments and Tasks

  • Sync-Support of OX Task with the native task app
  • Sync-Support of OX Calendar with the native appointment app
  • Synchronization of OX Calendar Colors
  • Synchronize of all private, shared and public OX Calendar folder
  • Full support of recurring appointments, tasks and exceptions
  • Support of Time Zones which also be used in OX App Suite

Synchronization of Contacts

  • Synchronization of Name, Title and Position
  • Synchronization of Website, Instant Messengers and contact information

Pricing & Availability

This OX Sync App is available for Android and can be downloaded for free from the corresponding App Store. Availability will be confirmed by Open-Xchange via the usual communication channels.

Please note: The exact date when the clients become available depends on the approval process of the respective app store.


The requirements are listed at OX Sync App and Platform Requirements.

Installation of the Clients

The OX Sync App is available via the App Store of Android:

Note: OX Sync App was designed to work on Smartphones. In some rare cases devices with very large screens (greater than 5.6") might be recognized as tablets by the Play Store. In this case, OX Sync App will not show up and can not be installed on your device.

Auto Discovery Service

The OX Sync app uses a central Auto Discovery Service to help new users to onboard to the app more easily.


In order to participate you will need to provide specific information such as:

  • Confirmation that you are running OX App Suite 7.10.6 or later.
  • A full URL where your OX App Suite service can be reached by a web client.
  • A full DAV-URL, where your OX Calendar and OX Contact data can be reached
  • Two test accounts on your OX App Suite service, where we can verify that the OX App Suite system works as expected.

Required Information

  • The primary email domain of your service
  • Choose a Providerlist visibility: hidden, semi-hidden, semi-public, public
    • Hidden: the account can only be set up by a special link
    • Semi-hidden: same as hidden, but also with full email address (incl. domain)
    • Semi-visible: same as semi-hidden, but auto-completion is also available
    • Visible: Service listed in Providerlist
  • In case your system serves a large number of arbitrary domains please let us know. Support for that scenario is possible as long as all MX records of those domains are pointing to the MX of the primary domain.

Please send the required information to your Open-Xchange sales representative or