PA Provider Deployment Guide
Open-Xchange HE + Parallels Operations Automation - Integration Instructions
This document covers the installation and configuration instructions to integrate an already installed and configured OpenXchange HE Server into a POA environment. It does not cover any normal OX setup instructions. It should be used by POA or/and OX specialists since this configuration instructions require a very deep knowledge of both products.
For a list of default packages which should be installed on OX instance, please see end of this document.
1. Installation of POA specific OX plugins
Please install following packages on the OX instance. These are mandatory for the POA integration:
openxchange-custom-parallels openxchange-custom-parallels-gui openxchange-spamhandler-spamassassin openxchange-admin-soap openxchange-easylogin
Make sure that you dont have any other „spamhandler“ package installed like „open-xchange-spamhandler-default“. Also make sure, that you dont have any other OX authentication package installed like „open-xchange-authentication-database“ and that you do not have package „open-xchange-mailfilter“ installed since POA mailserver does not have server side mailfilter rules(„sieve“) which can be used by OX. Additionally, don`t install following packages, since they are not needed for POA installation:
open-xchange-admin-plugin-contextrestore, open-xchange-log4j, open-xchange-passwordchange-database, open-xchange-passwordchange-servlet
If already installed, please uninstall first!
These packages contain POA specific plugins for authentication, branding and advanced antispam cababilities. After you installed these packages via your favorite package manager like apt or yum, please restart „open-xchange-groupware“ via approciate init script. To verify that the plugins are correctly loaded, please execute the command „listbundles“ which is located in /opt/open-xchange/sbin“ . It should return a list with all „ACTIVE“ bundles.
If the bundle „com.openexchange.custom.parallels“ is not set to „ACTIVE“, please have a look at all OX logfiles located under „/var/log/open-xchange“ and watch out for error messages.
2. Configuration of POA specific OX plugins
You have to switch some properties of OX, else the just installed plugins will not work correctly.
a) To enable the OX-POA antispam functionality you must first edit file „/opt/open-xchange/etc/groupware/“ and set property „com.openexchange.imap.spamHandler“ to value „SpamAssassin“.
# Define the registration name of the appropriate spam handler to use com.openexchange.imap.spamHandler=SpamAssassin
Next you have to edit file „/opt/open-xchange/etc/groupware/“ and set property „com.openexchange.spamhandler.spamassassin.spamd“ to value „true“.
# Choose if a mail should be send to spamd afterwards com.openexchange.spamhandler.spamassassin.spamd=true
If POA XML-RPC Service runs on a different port than „3100“.
Please edit file:
and set property
"com.openexchange.custom.parallels.antispam.xmlrpc.port" to your custom port.
b) To enable correct branding for POA resellers and their customers, you have to define a „fallback“ FQDN under which the OX installation is reachable under the default skin/theme via http/https.
To achieve this, please edit file „/opt/open-change/etc/groupware/“ and set property „com.openexchange.custom.parallels.branding.fallbackurl“ to the approciate value of your OX installation.
# THIS property below must only contain FQDN to OX GUI # like
c) To enable creation of OX contexts (customers) via POA correctly you have to edit file „/opt/open-xchange/etc/admindaemon/plugin/“ and set property „CHECK_CONTEXT_LOGIN_MAPPING_REGEXP“ to value „[$%:\\.+a-zA-Z0-9@_\\/\\|-]“
# pattern of allowed chars in login mapping names CHECK_CONTEXT_LOGIN_MAPPING_REGEXP=[$%:\\.+a-zA-Z0-9@_\\/\\|-]
d)To enable correctly generated direct links when customer/context is branded you have to edit file „/opt/open-xchange/etc/groupware/“ and set property
„object_link“ to value „http://[hostname]/#m=[module]&i=[object]&f=[folder]“
After you have edited all these properties, please restart „open-xchange-groupware“ and „open-xchange-admin“ via init scripts. Now you need to write down the „oxadminmaster“ username and its password which you set up during installation of the normal OX system. Then you should give these credentials and the OX IP/Hostname to the POA specialist. He will enter this infos in the POA environment.
Package List for Open-Xchange 6.10 in POA Environment
open-xchange open-xchange-sql open-xchange-server open-xchange-jcharset open-xchange-common open-xchange-configread open-xchange-cache open-xchange-conversion open-xchange-conversion-engine open-xchange-conversion-servlet open-xchange-dataretention-csv open-xchange-dataretention open-xchange-data-conversion-ical4j open-xchange-sessiond open-xchange-charset open-xchange-crypto open-xchange-contactcollector open-xchange-pop3 open-xchange-smtp open-xchange-imap open-xchange-admin open-xchange-admin-plugin-hosting open-xchange-admin-plugin-hosting-lib open-xchange-admin-lib open-xchange-admin-doc open-xchange-admin-client open-xchange-admin-plugin-hosting-doc open-xchange-admin-soap open-xchange-admin-plugin-hosting-client open-xchange-axis2 open-xchange-control open-xchange-settings-extensions open-xchange-activation open-xchange-global open-xchange-management open-xchange-monitoring open-xchange-timer open-xchange-i18n open-xchange-xml open-xchange-calendar open-xchange-push-udp open-xchange-spamhandler-spamassassin open-xchange-contacts-ldap open-xchange-group-managerequest open-xchange-resource-managerequest open-xchange-genconf open-xchange-genconf-mysql open-xchange-gui-ie6-compat open-xchange-publish open-xchange-publish-basic open-xchange-publish-infostore-online open-xchange-publish-json open-xchange-publish-microformats open-xchange-subscribe open-xchange-subscribe-crawler open-xchange-subscribe-linkedin open-xchange-subscribe-json open-xchange-subscribe-microformats open-xchange-subscribe-xing open-xchange-templating open-xchange-unifiedinbox open-xchange-easylogin open-xchange-custom-parallels open-xchange-custom-parallels-gui open-xchange-xerces-sun open-xchange-gui open-xchange-online-help-de open-xchange-online-help-en open-xchange-online-help-fr