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Login Counter

Whenever a user is logged in through the login servlet, the context id, user id, client identification string and a time stamp is saved to the database. If a database entry for this combination of context, user and client is already present, only the timestamp is updated. This means that the database holds the information for the *last* login of a specific user with a specific client. This data can be displayed with the logincounter tool.

The clients provided by Open-Xchange use the following client identification strings (this list is not yet complete):

Client client identification string
Open-Xchange AppSuite open-xchange-appsuite
Open-Xchange Server 6 com.openexchange.ox.gui.dhtml

A custom login page (see Open-Xchange_servlet_for_external_login_masks) may (and should) set a custom client identification string.

The output of logincounter can be filtered by client identification strings with the -r or --regex parameter followed by a regular expression matching the desired string(s).

Using the logincounter tool

 # logincounter --help
 usage: logincounter
  -a,--aggregate     Optional. Aggregates the counts by users. Only the
                     total number of logins without duplicate counts
                     (caused by multiple clients per user) is returned.
  -e,--end <arg>     Required. Sets the end date for the detecting range.
                     Example: 2010-01-1 23:59:59
  -h,--help          Prints a help text
  -r,--regex <arg>   Optional. Limits the counter to login devices that
                     match regex.
  -s,--start <arg>   Required. Sets the start date for the detecting range.
                     Example: 2009-12-31 00:00:00