OX6:Adding a pre defined UWA widget for a User

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Here is an example bash script which can be used to add a new UWA widget for a user. This should only be used before the first login, else it will reset the GUI settings to the defaults.



CURL='curl -b cookies -c cookies -H Expect: -s'

SESSION=`$CURL "$SERVER/ajax/login?action=login&name=$USER&password=$PASSWORD" \
        |sed 's/^.*session\":\"\([0-9A-Fa-f]*\)\".*$/\1/'`

EXTERNAL='{"portal": {"externalcontents": [{ "autorefresh":true,  "id":"Heise001", "title":"Heise", "visible":true, "adj":{"hw":0,"ww":0,"y":0,"x":0}, "url":"http://www.netvibes.com/api/uwa/examples/rssreader.html", "parameter": { "feedUrl":"http://www.heise.de/newsticker/heise-atom.xml" } }] } }'

$CURL -X PUT -H "Content-Type: text/javascript" -d "$EXTERNAL"  "$SERVER/ajax/config/gui?session=$SESSION"