AppSuite:Versioning and Numbering

From Open-Xchange

Versioning and Numbering of Open-Xchange Products


The Open-Xchange versioning 2009 (After SP5 Update 1) will be structured in the following way:

<generation>.<major release>.<minor release> Rev<build number>

Abbreviation Meaning Comparison
<generation> The first number is the product generation number. A new generation may contain new architecture, different technology and many more. OX App Suite 7
<major release> The second version number (major release) indicates significant program changes in terms of added functionality. Major changes to design and enhancements of APIs are possible. All APIs shall be backward compatible, which means, that mainly new functions can be added. If Open-Xchange releases a new major release this will be an even number, unstable interim releases have odd numbers. OX App Suite v7.0
<minor release> The third version number (minor releases) indicates an update with consolidated bug fixes and non-intrusive feature enhancements. APIs and database will not be changed if this can be avoided. All changes must be backward compatible. OX App Suite v7.0.1
<build number> The Rev-number (Revision) shows the progress of the development in single steps OX App Suite v7.0.1-Rev3
Public Patch Release / Patch Release A Public Patch Release enables Open-Xchange to publish a feature together with a patch. This in turn enables Open-Xchange to react more flexibly to time requests for certain features, thus relieving minor releases and making it possible to shift them. Delivering a feature with a Public Patch Release requires:
  • It can be implemented without far-reaching side effects. This is especially true for features that are implemented as plug-ins. To a limited extend, features affecting a limited sub set of core functionality can be included. Technical pragmatism is fine to reach the goal (e.g., copy & paste of functionality instead of abstraction into a service). This pragmatism has to be leveled out though as soon as the feature is ported into a more flexible branch.
  • It can be deactivated and is deactivated by default. If a customer installs a Public Patch Release, the familiar feature set does not change. Only if explicitly activating the enhanced features, will they be available to the end user.
  • If features require changes to the data base schema or configuration files, they have to be developed in such a way that they do not impair the running system.
  • Side-effects of Public Patch Releases are evaluated by the respective developers. Together with the QA team, they make a test plan for checking for those side effects and other effects.

Release Levels of Open-Xchange

These are the new Open-Xchange Release Levels 2011:

OX Release Level (new) New Generation Major Release Minor Release Patch Release Public Patch Release
OX Release Level (old) New Generation Service Pack Maintenance Release Program Temporary Fix (PTF) Public Program Temporary Fix (Public PTF), Security Fix
Target Audience All Public/All Maintenance customers & Partners L3 Support Customers, Value Package Partners Public/All
Purpose Provide new technologies Provide functional enhancements including Bug Fixes, accumulate earlier Patch Releases's/ major releases Provide common bug fixes for all customers, accumulate previous Patch Release's Provide fixes for severity level 1/2 tickets, for a specific Support Customer, small features, temporary until next Maintenance Release accumulative Provide fixes for severity level 1/2 tickets, for all Support Customer, small features, temporary until next Maintenance Release accumulative
Frequency Open-Xchange Roadmap Every 6 to 12 weeks Decided by Open-Xchange According to SLA As soon as required
Support Committment 5 years after First Customer Shippment (FCS) 6 months after FCS of the Major Release Next Major Release Next Major Release Next Major Release
Requested by Product Management Product Management, Professional Services Support, QA, Product Management, Professional Services Entitled Customer (Support, Professional Services) Entitled Customer (Support, Professional Services), Product Management
Compatibility requirements/backward compatibility Database updates, Changes of configuration files Backward compatibility to last major release. In urgent cases there could be database updates or configuration file changes Backward compatibility to last major release Backward compatibility to last major release
Test Efforts OX (QA) Smoke Tests, Always Tests, Bug Fix Tests, Feature Tests, Dependencies Tests, Heuristic Tests, Performance Tests Smoke Tests, Always Tests, Bug Fix Tests, Feature Tests, Dependencies Tests, Heuristic Tests, Performance Tests Smoke Test, Always Tests, Bug Fix Tests, Dependencies Tests, Heuristic Tests, Performance Tests Smoke Tests, Always Tests, Bug Fix Tests - Support: Fix Approval Smoke Tests, Always Tests, Bug Fix Tests - Fix Approval
Test Efforts Customer/Partner Smoke Tests, Bug Fix Tests, New Feature Tests, Integration Tests Smoke Tests, Bug Fix Tests, New Feature Tests, Integration Tests Smoke Tests, Bug Fix Tests, Integration Tests Smoke Tests, Bug Fix Approval Smoke Tests

Open-Xchange Server 6


Abbreviation Description Target usage
OX:HE Open-Xchange Hosting Edition Designed for organizations that want to provide a scalable, multi-tenant e-mail and collaboration solution to their customers. Focus: Software-as-a-Service offerings
OX:SE Open-Xchange Server Edition Designed for medium and large size organizations, educational institutions and public administrations seeking a customizable communication solution. Focus: System Integrators
OX:SEforUCS Open-Xchange Server Edition for Univention Corporate Server Integration to in-house customer environments
OX:ASE Open-Xchange Advanced Server Edition Designed for small to medium size organizations, educational institutions and public administrations seeking for a customizable and in-house communication solution. Available for single-server (former OX Appliance Edition) and multi-server-setups. Focus: SIs and VARs

Open-Xchange App Suite


Abbreviation Description Target usage
OX App Suite Open-Xchange App Suite Community Version Need to revitalize business growth and increase your competitive advantage? OX App Suite integrates smoothly into existing infrastructures and massively scales across multi-tenant architectures securely and reliably. Offer your users a seamless messaging experience to deliver branded, app-economy services and take back the user experience. German engineered and designed for a mobile world, OX App Suite uses open API's to deliver device independent access to email and messaging, social collaboration and digital media via a rich web-based interface. Through a modular App-based portal, HTML5 interoperability gives providers a new basis to up-sell and cross-sell white-labeled services and mobile applications.









Please Note: Minor and Major Product Releases in bold

GA Product Major Release Minor Release Public Patch Releases Shipped Packages
2013-01-04 Open-Xchange HE / SE v6.22 Check.gif Open-Xchange Server 6 (Version: v6.22.0 Rev 11)
2013-01-08 Open-Xchange HE / SE / ASE / SEforUCS v6.20.7 Check.gif Open-Xchange Server 6 (Version: v6.20.7 Rev 10)
2013-01-16 Open-Xchange Connector for Microsoft Outlook Check.gif OXtender 2 for Microsoft Outlook 7.0.60;
OXUpdater 6.18.16
2013-01-18 OX App Suite v7.0 Check.gif OX App Suite backend 7.0.0-rev5
OX App Suite frontend 7.0.0-rev13
2013-01-28 Open-Xchange HE / SE v6.22 Check.gif Open-Xchange Server 6 backend 6.22.0-rev12
2013-01-30 Open-Xchange HE / SE Check.gif Open-Xchange Server 6 backend 6.22.1-rev12
Open-Xchange Server 6 frontend 6.22.1-rev8
Open-Xchange Server 6 usm 6.22.1-rev7
2013-02-06 Open-Xchange HE / SE / ASE / SEforUCS v6.20.7 Check.gif Open-Xchange Server 6 (Version: v6.20.7 Rev 12 built 2013-02-05)
2013-02-15 Open-Xchange HE / SE v.6.22.1 Check.gif Open-Xchange Server 6 (Version: v6.22.1 Rev 9/13 built 2013-02-15)
2013-02-20 Open-Xchange App Suite v7.0.1 Check.gif OX App Suite Version 7.0.1-Rev 4 (built 2013-02-19)
Connector for Microsoft Outlook Version 7.0.62
OX Updater Version 6.18.18
OX Notifier Version 1.0.1
2013-02-25 Open-Xchange Microsoft Outlook Uploader Check.gif Open-Xchange Outlook Uploader (Version: v6.20.4 built 2013-02-11)
2013-02-28 Open-Xchange HE / SE / ASE / SEforUCS v6.20.7 Check.gif Open-Xchange Server 6 (Version: v6.20.7 Rev 14 built 2013-02-27)
Open-Xchange Updater (Version: v6.18.18)
OXtender 2 for Microsoft Outlook (Version: v7.0.62)
2013-02-28 Open-Xchange HE / SE v6.22 Check.gif Open-Xchange Server 6 (Version: v6.22.0 Rev 13 built 2013-02-26)
Open-Xchange Updater (Version: v6.18.18)
OXtender 2 for Microsoft Outlook (Version: v7.0.62)
2013-02-28 Open-Xchange HE / SE v6.22.1 Check.gif Open-Xchange Server 6 (Version: v6.22.1 Rev 14 (backend) built 2013-02-25)
Open-Xchange Updater (Version: v6.18.18)
OXtender 2 for Microsoft Outlook (Version: v7.0.62)
2013-03-01 Open-Xchange HE / SE v6.22.1 Check.gif Open-Xchange Server 6 (Version: v6.22.1 Rev 15 (backend) built 2013-03-01)
2013-03-01 Open-Xchange HE / SE / ASE / SEforUCS v6.20.7 Check.gif Open-Xchange Server 6 (Version: v6.20.7 Rev 15 built 2013-03-01)
2013-03-04 Open-Xchange HE / SE v6.22 Check.gif Open-Xchange Server 6 (Version: v6.22.0 Rev 14 built 2013-03-04)
2013-03-05 OX App Suite v7.0.1 Check.gif OX App Suite 7.0.1-Rev 5 (built 2013-03-04)
2013-03-12 Open-Xchange HE / SE v6.22.2 Check.gif Open-Xchange Server 6 v6.22.2 Rev 6 frontend (built 2013-03-12)
OX App Suite v7.0.2 Rev 6 backend (built 2013-03-12)
2013-03-14 Open-Xchange Mobile Web Interface v1.2 Check.gif Mobile Web Interface 1.2.0-rev7
2013-03-26 Open-Xchange Mobile Web Interface v1.2 Check.gif Mobile Web Interface 1.2.0-rev8
2013-04-04 Open-Xchange HE / SE / ASE / SEforUCS v6.20.7 Check.gif Open-Xchange Server 6 backend 6.20.7-rev16
2013-04-04 Open-Xchange HE / SE v6.22 Check.gif Open-Xchange Server 6 backend 6.22.0-rev15
2013-04-04 Open-Xchange HE / SE v6.22.1 Check.gif Open-Xchange Server 6 backend 6.22.1-rev17
2013-04-04 Open-Xchange HE / SE v6.22.2 Check.gif Open-Xchange AppSuite backend 7.0.2-rev7
Open-Xchange Server 6 frontend 6.22.2-rev7
2013-04-04 Open-Xchange App Suite v7.0.2 Check.gif Open-Xchange AppSuite backend 7.0.2-rev7
Open-Xchange Server 6 frontend 6.22.2-rev7
2013-04-11 Open-Xchange App Suite v7.2 Check.gif OX App Suite / OX 6 Backend Version 7.2.0-Rev 4 (built 2013-04-10)
2013-04-18 Open-Xchange Connector for cPanel Check.gif Connector for cPanel 1.0.0 Rev4
2013-05-02 Open-Xchange App Suite v7.0.2 & v6.22.2 Check.gif Open-Xchange AppSuite backend 7.0.2-rev9
2013-05-06 Open-Xchange App Suite v7.2 & v6.22.2 Check.gif Open-Xchange Server 6 v6.22.2 backend 7.2.0-rev7
Open-Xchange AppSuite backend 7.2.0-rev7
Open-Xchange AppSuite frontend 7.2.0-rev5

Maintenance expires

Product-, Release- and Component Name Maintance expires
OXtender for Microsoft Outlook: Discontinued Support of Microsoft Outlook 2003 April 2013
OXtender for Microsoft Outlook: Discontinued Support of Windows XP April 2013

What version do I have installed

Check this article to find out.