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How to download the Open-Xchange Server source code (6.22.0 and later)

Starting with 6.22 the source code of Open-Xchange server is available from our Git repository.

The following repositories exist:

Repository content
wd/backend The main repository containing most of the parts of Open-Xchange server
frontend6 The AJAX user interface (version 6)
wd/frontend/web The AJAX user interface of OX App Suite
documentconverter-api The API of the server-based part of the documentconverter needed for OX Text
office The server-code for OX Text and OX Spreadsheet
office-web The frontend-code for OX Text and OX Spreadsheet
calcengine The C++, Apache OpenOffice based calc engine (obsolete)
guard The server-code OX Guard (PGP implementation)


guard-ui The frontend-code for OX Guard (PGP implementation)


Git operations to access the code

To clone a repository, run

$ git clone<repository>
$ cd <repository>
$ git checkout -t origin/<branch>

For browsing the git repositories, go to

The currently used Git branches

For a list of available branches, run

$ git branch -r

The main development process uses the following branches:

Git branch content
develop head development
release-<version> stabilizing for <version> release
master maintenance of previous releases

How to download the Open-Xchange Server source code (6.20.7 and earlier)

The source code of Open-Xchange Server up to and including version 6.20.7 is available using cvs access and source packages. Please make sure to use an up-to-date CVS client (cvs > 1.12) to check out the repositories. Integrated CVS clients e.g. for current Eclipse version work well, too.

The currently maintained cvs repositories

Repository content
open-xchange the main repository containing most of the parts of Open-Xchange server
open-xchange-gui The AJAX user interface
open-xchange-admin the Open-Xchange admin daemon used for provisioning (user creation, etc.)
open-xchange-admin-plugin-hosting contains the commandline tools and the oxinstaller
open-xchange-admin-soap SOAP interface

CVS operations to access the code

To see a complete list of Open-Xchange cvs repositories, run the following command:

$ cvs -d rls

Note, however, that only the repositories as listed above are actively maintained.

To check out a repository, run

$ cvs -d co open-xchange/com.openexchange.authentication.ldap

to check out the ldap authentication plugin.

Organization of the open-xchange repository

The open-xchange repository contains several OSGi bundles which are the building block of the Open-Xchange server package. Each of them has an ant build.xml file containing a target to create a source tarball and a subdirectory called packaging which contains the package metadata to build DEB and RPM packages.