AppSuite:External libraries for the UI
From Open-Xchange
API status: Stable
Abstract: An overview over libraries that are used by the UI, either when running or when building it. The field "modified" is a hint that simply updating the library to a newer version might break some feature that we depend on. Feel free to explain the details of the change, too.
Name & Link | License | Modified? |
jQuery + jQuery UI | MIT / GPL Version 2 | No |
Modernizr | MIT / BSD | No |
RequireJS | MIT / BSD | No |
Underscore.js | MIT | No |
Unicode CLDR | MIT | No |
Twitter Bootstrap | Apache | No |
Bootstrap Datepicker | Apache | Yes |
Bootstrap Fileupload | Apache 2.0 | No |
MediaElement.js | MIT / GPL Version 2 | No |
BigScreen | Apache 2.0 | No |
Mobiscroll | MIT | No |
Build system
Name & Link | License | Modified? |
Node.js not included | ||
Jake | Apache | Yes |
UglifiyJS | BSD | No |
JSHint | modified MIT license | No |
Vows | BSD | No |
eyes.js | BSD | No |
rimraf | BSD | No |
LESS | Apache | No |
sax-js | MIT | No |
node-xml2js | MIT | No |
node-jquery-deferred | MIT | No |