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Whitelabeling the Open-Xchange Gui


In many hosting environments, it is needed that the OX GUI, especially the LOGIN page is branded/whitelabeled to the reseller/customer corporate identity or domain.

There are 2 ways of achieving this:

  • Create a vhost/domain for every customer/reseller like "reseller.domain.com" and copy the whole OX GUI to that new vhost. After that is done, you have to modify the "default" theme of the OX GUI. The drawback of that solution is, that you now have multiple copies of the OX GUI, which is very bad regarding seamless updates/upgrades. After each update, you have to copy the GUI again for every domain/reseller you have created a vhost for.
  • Use mod_rewrite by Apache to do the work for you based on the domain, the user entered in this browser. With this way, you only have to change the default theme and the GUI will be served from only one directory. This way, you have nearly nothing to do after you have update the OX GUI.

We recommend that you do it via the mod_rewrite module of Apache. It is less painfull and offers more options for updates.


  • You have to modify the ox specific vhost of your apache so that the vhost inherits also "mod_rewrite" configurations:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteOptions Inherit

On Debian lenny you have to add the above 2 lines to the "<VirtualHost>" section of file:


Now you have to create a new config file to the main apache configuration which will rewrite all requests from "/themes/default" to "/themes/<FQDN>", where "<FQDN>" will be replaced by the Domain the user entered in his browser to access the Open-Xchange GUI.

For Debian Lenny, please create file:


and add following line to it:

RewriteRule v=\w+/themes/default(.*)$ /themes/%{HTTP_HOST}/$1