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Synopsis: How to use capabilities so that your new AppSuite plugin can be enabled or disabled.

What are capabilities?


You write a new UI app or plugin (chat module, for example) and in addition, you want to make sure that only a specific set of users or contexts within the system are allowed to use it.

Example: Your chat app should only be available after a user has bought it in your online shop. To do so, you will need to implement the capabilities logic within your UI app or plugin and restrict it to a user or context marked accordingly (called "premium" in further examples).

Set a capability

First, disable it for everyone as default (or enable it for everyone, depending on what your aim is).

In /opt/open-xchange/etc/[myproduct].properties:

 com.openexchange.capability.[myproduct]=false # off for everyone

Then restart the OX Application Server and afterwards use the general OX AppSuite commandline tools to enable the capability/capabilities.

The commandline tools used in the following examples are located in:


In this example, only for a specific user:

 changeuser ... --config/com.openexchange.capability.[myproduct]=true

...or for a full context:

 changecontext -c ... --config/com.openexchange.capability.[myproduct]=true

...or set the capability to a context set:

 changecontext -c ... --taxonomy/types=premium

To get the capability/capabilities working for context sets (like above), you also need to edit the contextSet files in:


And add the corresponding capability/capabilities:

    com.openexchange.capability.[myproduct]: true
    withTags: premium

Then restart the OX Application Server!

Query capabilities via the HTTP API


 GET /appsuite/api/capabilities?action=all&session=991fd40f635b45...



Here id is the name of the capability.

Query capabilities in the UI

 require(['io.ox/core/capabilities'], function (cap) { if cap.has('[myproduct]' { ... } );

Require the capabilities in your UI manifest file

    namespace: ...
    requires: '[myproduct]'

Now your plugin will only be loaded if the capability '[myproduct]' is set for a specific user, context, context set.

Testing the capabilities

  • For testing purposes use an URL parameter to test capabilities.

Add the following parameter to your AppSuite URL in the browser to activate:


or use


to disable a certain capability.

In general, after adding those URL parameters, you need to reload the UI to temporarly test/enable the set capability.

Further informations