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Keepalived Loadbalancer


this page contains a basic description about how to set up keepalived for Open-Xchange cluster. This example is to work on debian systems. Keepalived mode is Direct Routing.

It is required to have ox servers and loadbalancer connected to the same switch or hub and that there is no filter for network packages between (some virtualization system do filter, too), so that MAC rewriting works.

For more information please see:

Software installation

Packages are installed using

# apt-get install keepalived 

Keepalived requires some kernel modules to be loaded. They are loaded by the ipvsadmm service. So we enable it using dpkg-reconfigure:

# dpkg-reconfigure ipvsadm

Answer the questions with "Yes" ("load ... at boot") and then "backup" for "Daemon method".

Enable IP forwarding on the keepalived node: configure in /etc/sysctl.conf:


Enable this by either rebooting or by issuing sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1.

Configuration example: HTTP

Keepalived configuration file

Create a file


with following contend (adapt network adresses)

global_defs {
    router_id OX

vrrp_sync_group OX_GROUP {
    group {

vrrp_instance OX_VRRP {
    state BACKUP
    interface eth0
    garp_master_delay 10
    virtual_router_id 10
    priority 101
    advert_int 1
    authentication {
        auth_type AH   # Simple 'PASS' can use
        auth_pass 1234 # example password '1234' 
    virtual_ipaddress { brd dev eth0 # virtual service ip
    virtual_ipaddress_excluded {

virtual_server_group OX_HTTP { 80         # virtual ip and port 80

virtual_server_group OX_OL_PUSH { 44335      # VIP VPORT

virtual_server group OX_HTTP {
    delay_loop 3
    lvs_sched  rr
    lvs_method DR
    protocol   TCP

    real_server 80 {
        weight 1
        HTTP_GET {
            url {
                path /servlet/TestServlet
                status_code 200
            connect_port 80
            connect_timeout 10

    real_server 80 {
        weight 1
        HTTP_GET {
            url {
                path /servlet/TestServlet
                status_code 200
            connect_port 80
            connect_timeout 10

virtual_server group OX_OL_PUSH {
    delay_loop 3
    lvs_sched  rr
    lvs_method DR
    protocol   UDP

    real_server 44335 {
        weight 1
                 connect_port 9999
		  connect_timeout 5

    real_server 44335 {
        weight 1
        TCP_CHECK {
                 connect_port 9999
		  connect_timeout 5

Configuration example: Keepalived for Galera Loadbalancing

Keepalived configuration

In this example we have the following networking information:

  • loadbalancer IP
  • Three galera nodes:,,

Then the keepalived configuration file /etc/keepalived/keepalived.conf looks as follows:

global_defs {
  # This should be unique.
  router_id galera-lb

vrrp_instance mysql_pool {
  # The interface we listen on.
  interface eth0

  # The default state, one should be master, the others should be set to SLAVE.
  state MASTER
  priority 101

  # This should be the same on all participating load balancers.
  virtual_router_id 19

  # Set the interface whose status to track to trigger a failover.                   
  track_interface {           

  # Password for the loadbalancers to share.
  authentication {
    auth_type PASS
    auth_pass Twagipmiv3

  # This is the IP address that floats between the loadbalancers.
  virtual_ipaddress { dev eth0

# Here we add the virtal mysql node
virtual_server 3306 {
  delay_loop 6
  # Round robin, but you can use whatever fits your needs.
  lb_algo rr
  lb_kind DR
  protocol TCP

  # For each server add the following. 
  real_server 3306 {
    weight 10
      misc_path "/etc/keepalived/"
      misc_timeout 5
  real_server 3306 {
    weight 11
      misc_path "/etc/keepalived/"
      misc_timeout 5
  real_server 3306 {
    weight 12
      misc_path "/etc/keepalived/"
      misc_timeout 5

Here we have configured a galera-specific node health checker. This is a custom perl script.

The script requires some perl module for DB access:

# apt-get install libdbd-mysql-perl

The script is expected in /etc/keepalived/ and looks like this:


#, 2013-06-10

use strict;
use warnings;

# config section
our $username="some_db_user";
our $password="some_db_pass";
our $debug=0;

our %checks=(
  #"wsrep_cluster_size" => "3",
  "wsrep_ready" => "ON",
  "wsrep_local_state" => "4" # Synced
# config section end

our $host=$ARGV[0] or die "usage: $0 <IP of galera node>"; 

use DBI;
our $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:configdb;host=$host", $username, $password
                   ) || die "Could not connect to database: $DBI::errstr";

our $results = $dbh->selectall_hashref("show status like '%wsrep%'", 'Variable_name') or die "Error trying to selectall_hashref";

our %cr=();

foreach my $id (keys %$results) {


for my $k (keys %checks) {
  if(exists $::cr{$k}) {
    if($::checks{$k} ne $::cr{$k}) {
      print STDERR "$0: warning: mismatch in $k: expected $::checks{$k}, got $::cr{$k}\n";
    else {
      print STDERR "$0: info: match in $k: expected $::checks{$k}, got $::cr{$k}\n" if($::debug);
  else {
    print STDERR "$0: warning: no check result for $k (want $::checks{$k})\n";


Adding a second Keepalived node for redundancy

Set up a second Keepalived node as described above, with the following changes to the configuration file /etc/keepalived/keepalived.conf:

  • Change the router_id (to the hostname, for example)
  • Change the state to BACKUP
  • Change the priority to something lower than the masters priority (e.g. 100)

Make sure the virtual_router_id and authentication information is the same on the backup keepalived node as on the master keepalived node.

Now the backup node will notice the master going down and take over. Automatic failback also happens.

Networking adjustments for the galera nodes

The galera nodes need the loadbalancer IP configured on some network device in order for galera to be able to bind on this device.

However, creating a fully configured "alias" device is bad, since the galera nodes will pick the loadbalancer IP as primary IP of the node for example for full state transfers (SST). So when trying a SST the galera nodes will try to connect to the loadbalancer on the SST port. This will fail because on the loadbalancer nothing listens on the SST port.

If we instead create a dummy device and only assign an IP to it (without setting all those flags like UP), then galera can bind to the IP, but it won't use the IP as its primary IP. A configuration like this can be created using the following trick. Ad dsome pre-up, post-up, pre-down, post-down lines to the /etc/network/interfaces file as follows:

allow-hotplug eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp
    pre-up echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/all/arp_ignore
    pre-up echo 2 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/all/arp_announce
    post-up ip addr add dev dummy0
    pre-down ip addr del dev dummy0
    post-down echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/all/arp_ignore
    post-down echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/all/arp_announce