AppSuite:Version Support Commitment

From Open-Xchange
Revision as of 08:39, 21 May 2013 by Khgras (talk | contribs)

Open-Xchange Version Support Committment

Open-Xchange Versions

Open-Xchange provides different level of versions. The releases versions are:

  • New Generation: Provide new technologies
  • Major Release: Provide functional enhancements including Bug Fixes, accumulate earlier Patch Releases's/ major releases
  • Minor Release: Provide common bug fixes for all customers, accumulate previous Patch Release's
  • Patch Release: Provide fixes for severity level 1/2 tickets, for a specific Support Customer, small features, temporary until next Maintenance Release accumulative
  • Public Patch Release: Provide fixes for severity level 1/2 tickets, for all Support Customer, small features, temporary until next Maintenance Release accumulative