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How to request a change for OXaaS


You are entitled for Advanced Support and have obtained one of Open-Xchange's Support offerings, have registered all your Support Keys, which you have got after purchasing your Support offering according the information provided in the My Registrations section. Please also have a look at

Furthermore you have an issue with your Open-Xchange Software and need help by the Open-Xchange Support.


Send an E-Mail to <support AT> and provide the following information within the E-Mail body. Please take care to put your Support Key always to the top. If you provide more than one key the first recognised key wins.

Server: url of the machine
Server Version: server version or package list
Platform: Please choose one from possible values.
GUI Version: GUI version or package list
Category: Please choose one from possible values.
Severity: 1, 2, 3, 4
Track-ID: the customer's internal tracking number, e.g. from its Bugzilla
Product: Please choose one from possible values.

Steps to reproduce:

Current behaviour:

Expected behaviour:

The Severity of an Incident determines the impact it has on the customer's business and therefore the urgency of solving an Incident of certain impact.

Important: Please note that Open-Xchange's response time depends on both the Severity and the Service Level Agreement between the customer and Open-Xchange.

If all of the above information has been provided a confirmation mail is sent from Open-Xchange's ticket system which includes the ticket number for that incident.

Open-Xchange Severity:

Severity 1

Shall mean Incidents that are defined as a complete outage and do not allow the Licensee to further conduct his business. Licensee's system or application is completely not available and no Workaround exists. The Incident affects all users deployed on the Joint Solution Environment. Also means a security or general threat causing potential risk to the customers’ data integrity or privacy. A situation in which one or several servers do not operate correctly is not a Severity 1 issue, unless the issue causes one of the above to happen.

Severity 2

The Licensee’s operation is severely disrupted. A business critical component of the Joint Solution Environment cannot be used by a majority of the users.

Severity 3

Shall mean Incidents which involve partial loss of non-critical functionality, one which impairs many operations, but allows the Licensee to continue to operate.

Severity 4

Shall mean general usage questions, recommendations for product enhancements or modifications, and calls that are passed to the Parties for informational purposes. This includes but is not limited to documentation and translation errors.

Personal Data Policy

According to German law, companies are forced to handle any (log) files from customers which contain data related to a third person or has any personal protection in a special way. Personal data shall mean any information concerning the personal or material circumstances of an identified or identifiable natural person. Even so they have to be deleted once they aren't used any more. To fulfil this requirement, customers and support agents have to keep the readable ticket communication, in form of email/article body, subject or attachment names, free from any personal data. This can be every thing from names, email addresses, screen-shots, logs files and even credentials to system accounts. This personal data only has to be handed over in form of attachments which was common practice before. Transfer channels for personal data are attachments via the ticket system, attachment in encrypted emails or provided by protected download links. How to send encrypted emails via PGP is described here.

The integrity of an 'Incident Request' with all available data needs to be saved up to 90 days after a ticket was closed to ensure a holistic assessment in case of Contractual complaints. This time frame is mandatory and gives also the customer time for detailed tests. In case of reopening an incident within these three months all information is still available and needs not to be recollected by customers and end users.

Open-Xchange introduced a weekly deletion process, the deletion work on ticket attachments and on raw email files which are affected by attachments. The automatic deletion of all ticket attachments takes place weekly at Sunday and affects all tickets which are in a 'closed' state since 90 days.

Creating an OX Support Tarball

Creating an OX Support Tarball